Chapter 3 ~ What, Me Worry?

- "Let nothing disturb thee, nothing affright thee, all things are passing" - St. Teresa
- "We must have a supernatural view that all will work out to the good, no matter how bewildering life seems at the moment."
- "When we worry we are politely disbelieving God's promise that if we seek first the Kingdom of God, all else will be added."
- Yet simply trusting God and not working to provide for ourselves will not do. As St. Ignatius once said, "We must work as if everything depends on us, and pray as if everything depends on God."
- When we are faced with endless worrying it may help to stand back and think: "In the light of eternity--so what?"
- Today being Ash Wednesday, I found reading this chapter to be very appropriate. This morning I went to Mass and was reminded that I am dust and to dust I shall return. When I think about my life in this way, the worries that fill my mind seem so trivial.
- This chapter also made me think of my favorite Gospel passage: Luke 12:22-34
As a side note (kind of) please keep my grandpa in your prayers. He has been in the hospital since Monday morning. He has cancer, which we have known about, but he was admitted on Monday for bleeding in the brain. The doctors are not sure what exactly caused this, but he is not expected to make it through the week. So pray for a holy death. I thought about him today when I received my ashes at Mass: "To dust you shall return." Also, please keep my grandma in your prayers. I know she will deeply miss her beloved spouse. Thank you so much!