
Saturday, November 21, 2009

6 Quick Takes ~ Vol. 12 (Cute Sleeping Pictures!!)

Hosted at Conversion Diary

1. John loves, what we call, his "ocean chair." When he kicks and moves around, it sings songs and bubbles show up on the little aquarium screen. I put him in this chair whenever I need to get something done (usually cooking). Anyway, one morning this week I set him down so I could go get ready for the day. I noticed he got awfully quiet after a few minutes. I went in the kitchen to have a peak and this is what I found:

2. Most of the time, I wake up in the morning because John is ready to get up. One day last week I woke up before him and just couldn't help capturing a picture of my cutie pie! I wonder if his arm fell asleep...

3. Last Friday we went to an alumni get-together with folks we knew from the Catholic Newman Center at WWU. We were out pretty late. I brought John's pajamas so he could fall asleep in the car on the way home and we could just put him in bed when we got home. He was playing with the Rosary that I hung from his car seat for awhile and then feel asleep while holding it!! =) We think he fell asleep during the second decade:

4. Uncle Aaron must be really comfortable! John seems to like taking his naps right on his lap! The first picture is of John when he was about two months old. The second picture is from Andrew's birthday party!

5. I began writing this post yesterday while John was sleeping on my back in the Ergo carrier:

6. Don't you just want to cuddle with him? Wow, I'm feeling sleepy after looking at all these pictures! Sleep well tonight everyone!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

He wants to crawl!

Andrew's Birthday

Since his folks were in town last weekend, we celebrated Andrew's birthday last Sunday. Guests included: my parents, his parents, my grandpa (dad's dad), Aaron, and the Tom and Carrie clan. We ate a lot of Andrew's favorite food. Here was the menu:

Homemade salmon dip with crackers
Artichokes with hollandaise sauce
Breaded pesto chicken over a bed on linguine
French garlic bread
Huckleberry pie!!

John riding the grandpa horse!

Grandpa is so fun!!

I had a fun time cooking for a crowd! But if we ever have 10 kids, I will definitely need help with dishes every night!!!

Happy Birthday!!

Today is my wonderful husband's birthday! Here is a birthday message from John:

xnjvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhd d h m,,,,,,mmmmmmdrfcv ,vv,, ,,,,,gggggggggggggggf gf,,,,,,,,,,,g,

I'm pretty sure that means "Happy Birthday Dad, I love you so much!!"

And here is a birthday message from me:

Andrew, happy birthday! You are such a wonderful husband and father. I am so happy that you were born on this day 23 years ago! May Our Lord continue to bless you during this next year of your life and always!

Love, Lindsey and ewuf (John typing his name)

Friday, November 6, 2009

7 Quick Takes ~ Vol. 11

Hosted at Conversion Diary

1. John likes cereal: We started feeding John rice cereal this week. He seems to be enjoying it. I mix it with breast milk so that it tastes familiar. I have him eating cereal only once a day. Last Saturday, we experimented and gave him some cheesy grits. We were eating them and thought he might like them too... not so much!

2. New High Chair: A few weeks ago we bought a great high chair off of Craigslist. It was listed in North Seattle and that's where my brother lives. So I emailed him about it to see if he could pick it up for us. Later that day, I got a call from my dad. He said they were looking at a high chair and began describing it to me. It sounded exactly like the one I saw on Craigslist. "Where are you?" I asked my dad. "North Seattle," he replied. I was amazed... how did they know about that high chair?? Then my brother got on my dad's phone and explained that they were together and decided to go look at the chair. I had no clue my parents were going to see my brother. I was so confused. But it worked out well because my parents were able to get the chair and bring it home that night! So in just one day, we went from not having a high chair to having a beautiful one!

3. Mom and Dad St.Hilaire just got back from a trip to Italy with Lou, Jenna, and some friends. They have been gone for over a week now. Mom called Andrew today to announce their return. They will be coming down to visit next weekend. We are so excited to hear their stories and see lots of pictures (I hear they took over one-thousand!!).

4. Mother's Group: I am helping out with a mother's support group at Star of the Sea. We had an informational meeting on Thursday, but we won't begin meeting regularly until January. We had a good turn out at the meeting! I am so excited! We will be using the "Women of Grace" program. It looks great!

5. PYC: I also began helping with another group this week. I will be co-leading a group called Pro-life Youth Committee (PYC). I hope that a lot of my former students will get involved with it so I can see them more often! There is so much potential for this group. There are not many members at this point, so please keep this group in your prayers! We will be doing a kick-off party in December.

6. ACP: Andrew's has been tirelessly working with our friend, Tom, in their group called the Anti-Choice Project (ACP). This group began in February and has really sparked a lot of controversy and conversion in Bremerton. They have been covered in our local news paper several times since February. This Winter, Andrew and Tom will be focusing more on the organizational aspect of the group, so next year they can have an even greater presence in Kitsap County and other areas in Washington. I am proud of Andrew's dedication to defending the unborn in our society.

7. Milestone for John: During the last week, I have been hearing about how babies should be falling asleep on their own around the age of 6 months. I know there are different ways of parenting, and I try not worry if I'm not doing everything like everyone else. That being said, I felt that John was far from falling asleep on his own - when going down for a nap or to bed at night, I would typically nurse him until he was sound asleep. Then I would carefully get up and leave him on the bed. This has worked for us so far, but it was cumbersome at times because when I got up to leave he would often wake up. I felt like I was stuck in bed with him until he was in a deep sleep. This took a lot of time out of my days and nights. So last night we did our night routine and I nursed him, but instead of staying with him, I got up and left after he was done nursing. He cried. We decided that we would let him cry for about 10 minutes and then go in to comfort him. He cried for about 9 minutes and then it got awfully quite in the bedroom. Andrew went to go check on him and found our precious little boy sound asleep! We were both amazed! That seemed pretty easy! Today I have done the same thing for both of his naps. He did not cry at all today, he just went to sleep after I got up. Who knows, maybe he is just being good now and it will take a turn for the worse. I sure hope not!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Organizing: Desk

We predict that John will be crawling in the next month or so. This prediction has caused me to look around the house and see tons of stuff that John could mess with. So over the next few weeks I want to get organized. My first mission was the desk area. This has been the "black hole" for all miscellaneous papers and junk that we don't know what to do with. Not anymore! Today I conquered the black hole!!



Next mission: Our closet - aka - John's future bedroom. I know what your thinking and yes it is a big closet; he won't get claustrophobic! Just wait for the pictures! =)

Irena Sendler ~ Life in a Jar

For those of you who don't know, I have been part of a group called Regnum Christi for the last seven years. Each week (most of the time) I have met with a group of ladies for what we call "Encounter," where we encounter Christ through a group Gospel meditation, prayer, and a case study of someone in the world living a virtuous life. At the end of Encounter, we make a resolution based on the case.

Irena Sendler's story was our case study last night at encounter. Our resolution was to share her story. So please, watch this short but very inspirational video about Irena:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Leaf Craft Project

I found this project on the Crafty Crow. Krystal (mentioned in the previous post) and I gathered leaves a few weeks ago. Last week, she brought two of her sisters over and we painted the leaves with mod-podge. This preserves them and gives them a shiny look.

Ta-da! ~ A beautiful fall centerpiece!

Thanks Krystal, Mary, and Bridget! John and I had a wonderful time! =D

All Saints Day Eve

We were going to dress John up as St. John Vianney, BUT the hair was too much of a challenge for me. I may try to tackle that in future years ;)

We decided to dress him up as Fr. Lappe! I modeled his costume after what Fr. Lappe wore for John's baptism:

Here is what we came up with:

We were going to go to Star for the Saints party... but we just didn't get out of the house in time. But we did get to go to Krystal and Mike's party. Krystal and I have been friends since we were teens. They just got married this last summer and they bought a house a couple blocks away from us. It's nice having them so close!

Tinkerbell came to the party! (This is Elaina - Lauren and Adam Frisch's daughter)

Here is Fr. Lappe sipping on a Corona.