
Friday, July 3, 2009

7 Quick Takes ~ Vol. 2

1. We've moved!! Today we rented a U-Haul and lugged all of our stuff to our new apartment. Now begins the fun of unpacking and organizing (I'm not being too sarcastic, I am actually excited to do the organizing!).

2. Last Saturday we went to Moxee for the St.Hilaire family reunion. We drove over with Lou and Jenna (Andrew's brother and sister-in-law). It was a good drive and John did well in the car on the way over - the way back is a different story - John screamed louder than I have ever heard. As soon as we were able, we pulled over and comforted him. The reunion was very nice, however we were hoping more people would be there. However, we were pleased with the company we had.

3. Becky, or "Perky" as I call her, has spent each day this week helping me get ready for the move. The grand finale was today. She spent around six hours today helping us move. It is such a blessing to have a friend who will give up her whole week to help.

4. I have my husband back! He has been spending most of his nights for the last two weeks working on our apartment. He has done a beautiful job, but John and I have really missed our evenings with him. It will be so nice to be able to have family time again.

5. In the craziness of our move, Dymphna (our pet chicken) has gone into her nesting mode. When she does this she lays in one spot and flattens herself close to the ground. We call her a "pile." She has been laying a lot of eggs lately, so she deserves a rest. We hope she doesn't nest for long because she is a lot more fun to be around when she is active.

6. John has been smiling more lately. I like to squish his cheeks together and he seems to enjoy it as well - I know this because he gives me a cute little grin (check back for pictures!).

7. We are really excited to enjoy the 4th of July in our new home. The view from the fire station is amazing! You can see all the fireworks in Bremerton from the deck.

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