Today John turned 20 months old! It's hard to believe that he will turn two in only four short months! Here are some highlights from John at 20 months:
- His favorite toys right now are little cars that he can wheel all around the house. As I type this he has one car in each hand and is driving them on the couch's rough terrain.
- He really likes to accessorize (in a manly way of course) - hats, boots, mittens, scarfs...
- He has a minor obsession with hats. He will often say "at" (hat) and put his hand on his head when he wants to wear a hat. Or he will say "at go" when he wants to put a hat on and go somewhere. For some reason when ever he sees Grandpa St.Hilaire, he says "at?" and wants him to put a hat on.
- Other new words for him include:
- "Bay-be" - baby
- "wa-wa" - water, but he also could be referring to any other drink
- "ca" - car
- "guh" - glove, he does have mittens but he prefers to wear socks on his hands right now. He will bring me socks and say "guh!" insisting that I put them on his hands.
- "doos-doos" - blues clues or choo-choo train (they sound the same)
- "Ma" - grandma
- A whispered "pa-pa" - grandpa
- "go" - goat
- "up"
- "mo" - more
- I have started teaching him letter sounds with the help of the short video "Letter Factory" by Leap Frog. It is a fun video and teaches letter sounds in a neat way. The only letter sound he is confident in is "H." My parents got him some alphabet blocks for Christmas and he will find the "H" and make its sound. We always assume he is panting because he sees a dog, but then realize he is making the "H" sound!
- He is such a sweet little boy and very sociable. He likes playing with his friends in childcare while I go to Mothers' Group every Thursday at our church. A few weeks ago I went to pick him up and he had some older friends saying "Bye John!" It was really cute to hear little kids saying his name and treating him so nicely.
Here are some pictures of John from our friends' wedding in December
(Congratulations Marc and Nichole!!):
John and Clare had fun dancing together, it was really cute! |
Under the gift table proved to be the biggest entertainment for all the toddlers! |
Gotta love this action shot of him hitting his head on the table! |
Here is John playing in a box full of peanuts. He loved playing in it until the box tipped over and he hit his head and spilled peanuts everywhere! =(
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