Before I tell you about our new diapers, I wanted to give you reviews on the diapers we bought last month. As you may recall from my first post about cloth diapering, we first purchased 3 Bum Genius 3.0 diapers, 7 Indian pre-folds, and 1 Bummis Super-Snap Cover.
Bum Genius 3.0 Review:
- We like how simple this diaper is. It is very easy to put on!
- I love that this is a one-sized diaper, meaning that it should fit John until he is potty trained.
- The pocket diaper dries really fast, the inserts take a little more time... but it's not too bad.
- We are pretty disappointed with the quality - after being washed only two times, one of the seams securing the Velcro began to come undone. On a positive note, I had an easy time getting a replacement diaper from cottonbabies. Their customer service was great!
- Just last week, one of the inserts began to fray, revealing the layers of the insert. Not good! =( So, once again, I will be contacting Cottonbabies to see if I can get another replacement.
- Overall, we are not too impressed with this brand. We are having issues with wear and it has only been one month! Thus, we will search for a better diaper.
- I really like these pre-folds!
- Stains come out mostly in the wash. The sun takes care of what ever is left.
- No major problems with leaking!
- They are very cost effective!
- The only down side we have noticed is they make John look like he has a big bottom (not that it really matters!). This also means that his clothes are tighter when he wears a pre-fold.
- This has been a good cover.
- I like the snaps on this cover, compared to the diapers with Velcro. I think the snaps will last longer.
- The cover dries very fast!
- If the cover does not get poo or pee on it, it can be used a few times before being laundered.
- The down side is you have to buy different sizes as your baby grows. This isn't bad, I just love the idea of diapers being one-sized!
Other good news is I think we have enough diapers to do cloth full-time. I will have to do wash every other day, but that is about how often the diapers should be cleaned anyway.

Hi Lindsey - man, I wonder if your washing machine is not being good to those diapers? We have like 14 Bumgenius and haven't had those troubles at all- weird! I will be curious what you think of fuzzibunz - I was tempted to get some, but we decided to stick with BG. Let us know! Hope you guys are doing well!
ReplyDeletehey there. Glad it is working for you, I only tried the prefolds and did not like at all or seem to work, Emma ALWAYS Leaked and her clohtes didn't fit. I have a ton of them and other covers etc if you want any...was thinking of trying to sell on craigslist or something, not sure I will attempt with this next baby unless I buy AIOs or something more similar to a diaper. Did you use snappis with the prefolds?? Keep up the good work!