The wipes we use were made by Samantha. They are pieces of flannel that are surged around the edges. She picked cute, gender-neutral fabric that doesn't show stains (for the most part). I bought more fabric to make some of my own, though I haven't gotten around to it yet. I bought 3/4 yard of three different patterned fabric (1/4 of each). I found that 1/4 yard makes about 25 wipes!
Samantha gave me about 30 wipes. This is a great amount. I wash them right along with my diapers and with the frequency of my washing, I never run out of clean wipes.
Here are some pictures of the wipes, to give you a better idea:
I also use a homemade spray to moisten the wipes. Here is the recipe I use:
1 cup water
2 T baby soap
1 T olive oil
A few drops of essential oil (This is optional. I use "Clarity" from Sensaria)

2 T baby soap
1 T olive oil
A few drops of essential oil (This is optional. I use "Clarity" from Sensaria)
To use the wipes and the spray, I spray the cloth wipe and wipe John's bum with the moistened wipe. I usually only have to use one wipe to get him clean - sometime two. Then I toss it in the washing machine with the cloth diapers. It's that easy!!
My next cloth diapering post will be about how I wash the diapers.
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9-22-09 And the Winner is...
8-24-09 Reviews and New Diapers
8-12-09 The Sun is Amazing!
7-22-09 The Beginning
My next cloth diapering post will be about how I wash the diapers.
Related posts:
9-22-09 And the Winner is...
8-24-09 Reviews and New Diapers
8-12-09 The Sun is Amazing!
7-22-09 The Beginning
Cloth wipes rock. They are better poop grabbers :o)